After an image is first created, you need to examine it and determine how to manipulate it to best serve your end result. The WYSIWYG application might well be the very first editing program you use to create or manipulate your image.
WYSIWYG is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get—essentially meaning that what you see on your computer screen is a representation of what it should look like on the final printed piece.
_WYSIWYG_ is often seen as a synonym for _photoshop_. Both programs provide a _wysiwyg_ (the more correct spelling) environment that enables users to display page elements—such as text, images, images, shapes, and so on—on top of a viewable page.
This article will teach you how to:
Add cropping and straightening guides
Use free filters
Apply Color & Lighting filters
Edit Overlays (such as lens and flash masks)
Re-do a photo (such as replace background or add people)
HDR photo editing
1. Creating Guides
Guides are lines which we can use to align our photos or images.
First, we need to create a new layer in the canvas. Then we’ll want to draw 2 straight vertical lines at the top and bottom of our image so it lines up with our picture frame.
We can use either the drawing tool or menu icon to do this.
Now you can use the shortcut keys to move the image or even drag the lines to change where it is.
If you want to move it up, hit F or space bar to toggle the guides up or down.
If you want to move it in a different direction, hit the tab key on the keyboard to change the direction of the line. This will also reset the canvas origin so you will want to hit the space bar to move it back to the center.
TIP: You can also use the arrows keys to rotate the image while holding the shift key. This will reset the origin back to the center.
You can also use the menu icon ( ) to create guides.
TIP: The key for most tools is the button next to the item:
2. Adding Adjustments
Now that our image is in the center and we have guides, let’s add some adjustments.
We can add a new adjustment layer to add corrections (like a vignette or even a filter) to our photo.
You can add a color or light adjustment (like Soft or Curves) to any layer.
To add a color adjustment, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves.
To add a light adjustment, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels.
Or, to add both, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color/Light.
You can change the name, hide, merge or delete the adjustment layer.
3. Adding Background
Another way to correct for cropping is to add background by creating a new layer, then select the area you want to be the new background.
Tag: Mental Wellness
Are you tired of the demands of life, your career and relationships? Just to feel a sense of “who am I, and what am I doing here?”? I use the phrase “overwhelmed with life” quite often in my workshops and seminars and it does capture the essence of being in a state of overwhelm. We are all inundated with too much information, too many conflicting ideas, too many tasks, too many people and too many things to do. To add to that, our lives are busy and filled with routine that we have no real control over. And lastly, we have too much on our plate; too many obligations and too many things, people and places on our minds. As a result we have less energy, less patience and less hope. We have been burned out for too long and have no hope of being able to recharge. Let’s take a look at what we might be able to do about all of this.
Do you ever feel like the world is crashing in on you? Like you can’t even take a breath because of the concerns and demands and responsibilities of life. It’s this over-whelming feeling of too much, you are drowning in it. Even though you may try to pretend you don’t feel this way, you do. You feel tired of the whole thing, you feel like your life is a disaster, and you get this huge sense of confusion and hopelessness. Sometimes, no matter how much you ‘try’ to pack as much into one day as possible, it never quite works out. You have too much to do and too many things to get done by a certain deadline and no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to get them all done.
We are inundated with too many things, ideas and issues to deal with. We are overwhelmed with things that need to get done; families, career, friends, health and what we need to do at work, study, exercise, clean the house and even sleep, so we don’t even know how to begin. But let’s face it, life is just too full and there are too many demands upon us. In this day and age, it is impossible to get away with being overwhelmed because everyone sees and judges you on your actions. We have to stay on top of it all or the consequences will catch up with us. It’s a
Thanks to Google’s newest hire for their renowned algorithm updates, canada goose jacket outlet, the head of the browser, the search giant is expected to finish the year with the world’s most used web browser.
For the first time, the browser’s market share surpassed one-quarter of all the internet use worldwide.
Google Chrome now accounts for 19.9 per cent of the market. In third place there is Firefox, with 18.1 per cent and then Safari in fourth with 11.2 per cent.
The market share is down 1 per cent year on year. This can be partly explained by the rise in the number of people on iOS devices, with Microsoft’s own browser, Internet Explorer, falling back to third place with 10.3 per cent.
The most important browsers will be used with Google’s leading services: Google search, Android operating system, and Gmail.
Chrome is driving people to its main website and not to a rival, as it has done for years.
Google has for years received a lot of criticism about how to organise its app market. Did it set up the Play Store for the Android operating system, and the App Store for the iOS operating system?
App Store
One of the main differences is the amount of ads. iOS users are less likely to like the ads than Android users.
It’s hard to say if the way to organise the market are beneficial or not. Google can’t move from the system they have and that works.
However, it is clear that the search engine is trying to make ads more relevant. With Chrome, it is yet more important to click on an advertisement, so the source won’t get penalised for the click.
iOS users need to click more often on advertisements to avoid being penalised.
On the other hand, the company has pulled out of the murky world of videos. If a Chrome user is too lazy to download the app, or is on a phone with poor viewing capabilities, then the company will not show them any ads.
In addition, Chrome is driving users to its browser’s main website. This is not the case on the iOS system, where you only have options such as Safari, Chrome, and Opera.
• Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 (64-bit) with 2 GB RAM and a Quad-Core Intel Core 2 Duo 1.3 GHz or greater.
• DirectX® 11-compatible graphics card with 256 MB of video memory (dual graphics cards with at least 2 GB of video memory are required to use the Frostbite Engine in single-player).
• NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 460 or ATI Radeon HD 4870, and Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz (2.66 GHz for both Intel® and AMD CPU systems)