Photoshop is a widely accepted trademark owned by Adobe Systems. The program has been running since 1987 as a standalone image manipulation application from the company’s Photoshop product line. Photoshop is primarily used to make and modify digital photographs. In addition, it is used for web graphics and page design. Photoshop has many additional features for different uses, including video editing, animation, scripting, and web design. With the advent of Photoshop Elements, a redesigned, simplified version of Photoshop, individuals can use Photoshop even if they do not have a separate computer.
Features Overview
Here’s a brief overview of the software’s most important features. Click here to jump directly to the main features section.
A filter alters the appearance of an image. Filters usually also make color adjustments, while effects usually involve a combination of texture and color. Filters can be applied to other parts of an image and stacked on top of each other. For example, you can use a filter to add a vintage photo effect to an image, and then use a second filter to enhance the resulting image.
In the Effects panel, the Filters and Adjustments panel, and the Filter menu, you’ll find the following types of filters:
Film effects filters
Color effects filters
Duotone filters
Layers and individual layer adjustments
Each filter in Photoshop has an option that allows you to adjust its effect. You can control the effect of the filter in various ways, including the strength and opacity of the effect, a strength control for the filter’s effect on the image’s overall brightness, and a texture control for the filter’s effect on the image’s surface. The following figure illustrates how to change a filter’s strength and opacity options.
The Filter menu also includes the ability to apply a specific selection of filter effects to image. A specific selection of filters can apply only specific adjustments to the image, such as brightness adjustments, image structure adjustments, or noise reduction.
By default, the filters are stored in the following order:
The Layers panel enables you to create, modify, and organize the layers that make up an image in the panels that follow it. The following figure shows the Layers panel.
In the Layers panel, you can use the following tools to create and modify the image’s layers:
Layer: Selects or unselects an individual layer. You can also use the Custom
What would we do without Photoshop?
Not to take anything away from the good old days when software suites like DreamWeaver and FrontPage ruled, but nowadays we have one primary thing that many of us rely on: Photoshop.
Photoshop is probably the most popular image editor in the world. It’s not quite on a level with the old Microsoft Paint or CorelDraw, but it’s in a class of its own.
The reason most of us use Photoshop, however, is much simpler than its former career in technical support, design, and advertising. Most of us use Photoshop for one reason or another. I’ll cover five of the most common applications of Photoshop in this article.
So what are the other common applications for Photoshop?
1. Enhance Photos and Images
The main reason most people use Photoshop is to make their work more beautiful, more professional, or both. However, most people also use Photoshop to edit photos.
To edit photos in a graphics editor such as Photoshop, you can either use the same tools you would use in Microsoft Paint, or a graphic editor such as Photoshop Elements.
The down-side to using Paint is that it doesn’t offer features such as layers, blending modes, advanced selection tools, text tools, and more.
While Photoshop Elements is designed to be easy to use, one of the downsides to using a dedicated photo editor is that it doesn’t offer as many core features as Photoshop.
If you’re looking for a good photo editor that gives you a lot of power with a simple, user-friendly interface, Photoshop Elements is the way to go.
2. Create Stunning Web Graphics
Photoshop has always been very good at web graphics. It’s a good way of creating websites like the one shown below.
Creating a website looks easy enough. After all, you just need to draw out the web-based graphics and place them on the page.
If you have good web design skills, though, creating the web graphics is easy. But if you’re a beginner, you can end up creating some nice graphics that are rather challenging to manage.
The reason Photoshop makes these graphics so easy to create is that it’s designed to be highly customizable, even if the end result isn’t usually designed to be web-friendly. However, the downside is that many people
Formatting Excel using a web application
I’m trying to format an Excel spreadsheet that I retrieve from a website. The content of the spreadsheet is already in the correct format and contains various Text, Cells, numbers, and hyperlinks. Each of the cells in the spreadsheet starts with «(*)»… I need to format the cells (spanning multiple columns) of the spreadsheet to match the following:
(1) Make the cells a different color (say, red)
(2) Make the text inside the cell bold
(3) Make the cell span multiple columns
I’ve gotten as far as…
Sub styleTheTable()
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Set objExcel = CreateObject(«Excel.Application»)
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(«C:\workbook.xls»)
objWorkbook.SaveAs «C:\workbook2.xls»
Set objWorkbook = Nothing
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Unfortunately, this doesn’t format anything. Am I going about this the right way? And will I need a different approach if the web page is formatted with HTML instead of Excel?
Here’s some code that will work for either:
Option Explicit
Sub styleTheTable()
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Set objExcel = CreateObject(«Excel.Application»)
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(«»)
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
objWorkbook.SaveAs «C:\foo.xlsx»
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
objWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
Set objWorkbook = Nothing
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Magento User Account Creation Not Working
I am working on a Magento installation, and have created accounts for both «admin» and «client» using some code in a controller.
However, when I go to either
* Brushes:
The Brush in Photoshop is divided into three sections: Shape tool, Stroke tool, and Spatial tool.
* Spraying with Paint:
You can use the Paint Bucket tool, which is used for applying color, not layers, to your image.
* Eraser tool:
The Eraser tool is an essential tool for removing unwanted areas, such as backgrounds or objects, from an image.
* Paint Bucket:
Use the Paint Bucket tool to apply color to your image.
* Smudge:
You can use this tool to correct the color of an area that has been spritzed. When you smudge, you are spreading the color over a wider area.
* Mixer Brush:
This tool allows you to mix colors together. You can use it to give your paint a tint, or for making a mixed color more vibrant.
* Text tool:
This tool allows you to type text into your image. You can choose your font from the drop-down menu or use your own custom font.
* Gradient tools:
These tools are used to create and modify gradients. You can use them to blend colors to create any color on a gradient.
* Scratch-off tool:
Use this tool to erase areas or create shadows on an object.
* Gradient tool:
This tool creates a gradient from one color to another. You can use it to create transition effects on your image.
* Shadow tool:
This tool allows you to add shadows to objects, such as people or animals.
* Cloning:
You can use this tool to reproduce the appearance of one area of an image onto another area.
* Photo Filter:
The Photo Filter tool allows you to add and remove a specific color effect to your image.
* Healing tools:
These tools can be used to repair or restore areas of your image. You can also use them to remove objects or objects you don’t want.
* Eraser tools:
Use the Eraser tool to remove unwanted objects or areas of your image.
* Filter:
Use the Filter tool to add a specific effect to your image. For
Supported PC hardware must have at least Pentium III 1.5 GHz or Athlon CPU with support for the 686 instruction set, 256MB RAM, CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and be able to install and run Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows 98 Second Edition. A DVD-ROM drive is recommended if the software is to be installed from DVD-ROM or DVD+RW disc.
Read our Windows 98 Second Edition compatible hardware list for more information. The listed hardware is compatible with Windows 98 Second Edition, but not all hardware may work.